What is Swedish Massage
Swedish massage is one of the most well known and commonly offered massage style which aims to promote relaxation by releasing muscle tension. With Swedish massage, therapists use kneading, long strokes, deep circular movements, and passive joint movements. These techniques are meant to relax, stimulate nerve endings, and increase blood flow and lymph drainage.
This type of massage is gentler than deep tissue massage and better suited for people interested in relaxation and tension relief. This type of massage may loosen up tight muscles caused by common daily activities like sitting, watching television, or exercising. It may be of help for those who experience tension in their lower back, shoulders, or neck. The method used involves firm pressure without being so firm that it hurts. Its aim is to relax the muscles and release tension
Benefits of Swedish Massage

- Relief from Stress
- Relaxation
- Increased circulation
- Eases tension
- Improves flexibility
Swedish Massage can help release muscle knots. It is also a good choice to fully relax during a massage.